EC70A-KU, ALF51,EC90A-GH,GHF51 or more1
Are you still suffering system crash after software updates?
DFI participates Canonical hardware-certified2 program to offer customers not only Ubuntu OS preloaded service but also reliable and stable security and maintenance update for up to 10 years.
The Linux desktop operating system, Ubuntu, has gained worldwide recognition as one of the best. With the growing integration of Ubuntu and IoT devices, it is being increasingly utilized to power a range of applications, including robotics gateways, self-driving cars, drones, and consumer electronics. As a result, many IPC manufacturers are now offering new services to support the use of Ubuntu, and DFI is no exception.
Initial Certification
Running Canonical’s checkbox program for over 100 test cases.
Continuous Regression test
Test every single security update and required fix on the certified hardware every 3 weeks throughout the Ubuntu release life cycle for at least 5 years.
It is a long established fact that a certified hardware runs services much more smoothly.
Guarantees up to 10 years of Linux security3
Ensures the security and integrity of systems which cannot be migrated to the next LTS release.
Ubuntu won't forget you! Ensures devices are able to receive kernel, OS and security updates.
Once a device is certified, it will be put in Canonical’s certification lab for running each update to ensure reliability.
Test reports from all automated testing made available to partners.
Yes, DFI offers the paid Ubuntu OS preloaded service on the shipping units. To ensure the compatibility and stability, the OS preloaded hardware is recommended to be certified by Ubuntu.
According to Ubuntu IP policy4, the retribution of modified Ubuntu needs license agreement from Canonical that is charged. The unmodified Ubuntu provided by Canonical can be redistributed without license agreement. DFI will certify the target hardware along with the Ubuntu image to ensure the seamless updates of each patches.
Anyone can use modified or unmodified Ubuntu personal or internal use in organization for free; however, it is not free and needs to have Canonical’s license agreement once the image is modified form and redistributed to external organization. See Ubuntu IP policy here
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"Why Does Ubuntu Certification Matter for AIoT?"